Life Is Very Beautiful!

Life Is Very Beautiful!

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Setting On A New Journey

Yes, I am returning to that peaceful village of which name is not even on Swiss map. Yay!

I'm feeling damn bored and confused and bored. Did I mention "bored"?

Hey my perfect cousin, sorry for complaining so much about everything but I'm not as perfect as you are, and since the only things that can relieve me from this everlasting boredom are endless complaints, what else shall I do? Making this place full of alcoholics and party animals more amusing and livable? Since one-sided complaints won't harm any one's well-being, it's OK to revise them once in a while, isn't it?
Well things will turn out right for me at the end, as usual, as I know it should be. So be it!

Dad's advise of going to English-speaking countries to have an internship delight me. Hmph so it's not a matter of distance and finance, but an opportunity of learning and exploring. I sure got all those DNAs from him. =D

Everything will be all right! Everything will be all right!
And I'm never alone. I'm not the only one.

So everything will definitely be all right.


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